Sunday, March 31, 2013


It's Resurrection Day!  But like my pastor says everyday is Resurrection Day and every Friday good Friday.  True that.  I'm fairly certain Jesus didn't raise from the dead exactly today over 2000 years ago, considering the date of Easter changes ever year.  I don't really follow the whole lent, Palm Sunday, good Friday thing, but I understand why some people do.  Personally Friday I took my mom out to lunch and yesterday I went to Medieval Times where I ate my chicken leg, laughed and cheered for the knights like a true heathen.  

But today is special because even though it's not historically accurate or anything like that, it's a day to remember.  To remember that my God is alive, I'm alive, I am His daughter, He is my Savior, Lord, King, Dad, and Friend.  So sing with me, I dare you too, because there's an empty cross and an empty tomb.  

As I sang the hymn today "Because He Lives".  I knew that my heart was right in sync with the words

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives"

Sometimes, He is the only reason I can face tomorrow, but it's enough.  Fear is gone, He holds my future, and it's worth being alive just because He is.                

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