Sunday, December 9, 2012

You Know You're Counrty When....

Ok, I promise I'll talk about what I learned at J127 after this fun post. ;)
Last night over dinner the conversation somehow turned to hunting, then how guys will shoot a deer to impress a girl.  Not thinking much of it I said, "Well, if a guy shot a deer for me and gave it to me as a gift, I would be pretty impressed."  Wow, you'd have thought I just said I wanted to elope to Belize because the table went silent, mom and Emily exchanged meaningful glances and dad's mouth hung open.  "What?!  I don't think that's that weird!"  Apparently everyone else did.  This has added to the series of events in my life lately that have convinced me how country I really am.  I knew I was a little, but it doesn't really fit with the rose and sword theme of my life.  But alas, it is what it is.  Here's my list of clues to know if you're country.  Please add on in the comments as I know a few of my readers are even more country than me. :D

1. You would be impressed if a guy gave you a dead deer as a present
2. you have crumbs of animal feed/hay in your jacket pockets.
3. you consider baling twine almost as useful as duct tape (seriously, there are 101 uses for baling twine)
4. You wish there was a perfume for that horsey smell, or the feed store smell
5. You think cowboy boots match everything
6.  You think trucks are as beautiful as they are useful
7. You know random facts about how to kill and gut things (I'm pretty limited in this but I'm working on it)
8. Cracker barrel is one of the best places to eat! (And you can identify all tools on the walls! :P)       
9.  You can put on you're big kid boots and just deal with it 
10. You may not know much about our government, but you sure know what the 2nd Amendment is! 


  1. Which 2nd Amendment? The right to arm bears or something? :P

  2. When people stare at you in awe because they learn from you that chickens can lay eggs other than white ones... Or that you know there is more than one breed of chicken, goat, or cow... And that those breeds have names :P
