Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Victoria's Opinion of the Holidays

Soooooooo, Thanksgiving is over and now comes the onslaught of chipper Christmas tunes that drive me nuts.  I've come to realize that I'm not a big fan this season, aka Christmas.  Here is a compact list of reasons why:
7. inflatable santa's,gaudy but oh so tempting with a blade in your pocket
6. distant relations, and not so distant ones, friends are God's apology for family right? 
5. socialization, the time of year when everyone suddenly wants to get together with everyone else
4. Christmas music, I may like it the first 100 times I hear it
3. the mushy therapeutic moralistic do gooders, shouldn't you be nice all the time?
2. movies like the Christmas Shoes and other such Hallmark torture implements.   
and most importantly.......
1. the frenzied consumerism

The aisles that look like Santa's Workshop just puked everywhere.  The elves that certainly ARE NOT the real elves with swords and ninja skills (don't say anything).  Santa's face everywhere with red, and sparkles, and flashing things....I hate how society takes such a precious beautiful thing like the quiet birth of our Savior being born of a virgin and twisting it into something that fills our pockets and our heart with a false sense of peace and joy.  :deep breath:

I do love the birth of Jesus though, I just can't call it Christmas to myself because that word doesn't evoke images of a moonlit stable, warm and smelling of hay, with a baby in a manger probably surrounded by goats.  I bet Jesus was a cute baby and I would have loved to have been one of the shepherds, just sayin.  I think I'll just stick to celebrating Christ's birth and stay away from "Happy Holidays".     


  1. You crack me up, Victoria. I get your point, but I really do love the holiday season. I'm one of "those" people .

  2. Haha Kate, I figured you were, it's because your an optimist. ;)

  3. Best post ever.. we actually agree on something for once in our lives! Also.. I'm not a betting man but I seriously doubt sweet baby Jesus was actually born on Dec 25. It's pretty well documented that the Christmas Holiday was first instituted by the Catholic Church to counter Pagan Holidays held during the same times. I can't stand the consumerism or the forced family stuff or the silly Christmas music!! Basically.. BAH HUMBUG :p

  4. *grins* I miss you Victoria. :D

    I do agree with some of your points, but overall I'm still okay with some of it... maybe because we've only really done Christmas for 6 years or so. :P
