Sunday, October 7, 2012

Instead of Shooting Arrows....

I know, I know, I haven't really been blogging.  Guilty as charged.  Today I am sitting down and going to tell you guys some things that have been going on when I really want to be outside doing some archery on my day off.  Ok, so here we go.

This last week we started part 2 of J127 titled, "Heart for the Nations".  The main focus of the next couple weeks will be on missions, especially to the Middle East and Asia with the persecuted church.  We've been hearing from speakers that have been thrown into prison, smuggled Bibles, held at gunpoint for being a Christian, stuff like that.  It's been a little intense.  You hear these messages and wonder what you yourself are supposed to be doing about these things.  How do know you're called to missions?  How do you know?  I asked almost every speaker that, but I feel like I'm still waiting for a clear and practical answer.  Anyways, moving on, that was the speakers of this week.

This weekend we did a teen event, and not just any purity teen event either.  This one really moved me like no other ones we've done so far.  I think it was the worship, we've never done anything with worship before.  It was beautiful, maybe because I'm from a home church, but the sound of many many people singing praises to God was something I haven't heard in a long time.  It was very encouraging.  Then the pastor came up and even before the message of purity was spoken by us, he presented a clear gospel message.  Love it.  We moved into the "Escaping Normal" session and each one of us students spoke on a historical/biblical figures that were humble, useful tools for God.  I got Jesus :D  Yeah, He's a pretty big deal.  Anyways the whole point of it was to show kids that you need to be servant to be a leader.

Next session we all got a few minutes to talk about what we wish we had known about purity when we were young teens.  It was very fun, mine did involve swords.  I listened to Carissa, Kate, Eddy, Amanda, and Molly share and I knew that this was more than lines they had developed, everyone made points they've never done during our past sharing and practice.  It was like they decreased and God was the making the words.  I got a tad emotional.  I love my fellow students.

Anyways, last night's event was more than an event for me, it was like church, really good church, convicting, encouraging, truth filled, and God centered.  Good stuff.  Now if you excuse me, I have some archery to do.   

1 comment:

  1. God was totally speaking! I know in mine, that whole thing with the cup of joy being full - def didn't happen until I was up there saying it!
