Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hitting the Road

So, in case you didn't know, I' not in CO anymore.  We can what seems like a week ago but was really more like 4 days ago. 

On our way back from that blessed red state we stopped at Ellerslie, the college Eric and Leslie Ludy stated and run, for a night and 2 days.  It was an interesting experience.  The teaching was incredible, basically we spent the whole time in prayer or worship, or listening to a sermon or just being quiet.  I almost flipped my lid, things were so quiet.  I don't want to say I was bored because there was so much to think about, but I just didn't DO anything, there were no woods, they locked you into your room by 10, you couldn't see any guys, no games or anything.  Just you and your Bible and your roomates (I did love mine though, good friends Kate and Carissa).  Meeting Eric and Leslie and asking them questions was one of those once in a lifetime experiences you never forget, but I was happy to move on to Nebraska the afternoon of the second day. 

I am convinced Nebraska is one of the ugliest states, why do we even have it?  At the hotel that night I went swimming in the hotel pool and got all my pent up energy out.  The next day we packed into our van, not an empty seat or a personal bubble to be found.  We made a crucial error in our seating arrangements though, me, Carissa, and Eddie, all sat in the same row, bad idea.  Too many strong personalities too close together.  If things had continued on that way, the authorities might have had to disarm us, but as it was, we all just fell asleep and that shut us up. 

3 opinionated people armed with knives +  theological discussion + sleep deprivation = BAD
I can laugh about it now :P

So we got to the Mission, stayed 24 hours and hit the road again.  We headed to Long Island to do a teen track there.  On the way we stopped by my house for dinner and I got to see my family and puppy. :)  Did the Culture Shock event, rocked it like a ninja, then headed back up to the Mission after crashing the night at my house again.

So here we are, bunking down for the supposedly huge hurricane that is headed our way and could possible make us loose power for 3 weeks.  I'm personally just expecting some rain, but as I sit here and type, we're coming up with some wore case scenarios.  We have lots of blankets, clothes, water, and food, I'm just thinking we would get bored out of our mind for 3 weeks alone with each other in a huge empty college with no power, swordfighting anyone? 

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