Friday, March 29, 2013

Bullet Point Week

I love bullet points, they make fragments Ok, they're short, snappy, and make maximum info possible in minimal form.  Since I haven't blogged in a while, I will bullet point my week so I don't have to ramble on incoherently about random chains of events.

-I had a job interview and didn't get the job.  I'm Ok with that. You can't win 'em all as my grandpa says.

-My slight obsession with Avatar The Last Airbender series continues

-I'm reading Isaiah , love that book

-We have baby goats!  And we did our first vaginal examination on poor Lyla who was in labor for 2 days

-That may be a little TMI for you

-She had twin girls, YEAH!  Katrina had twin boys, UGH. YEAH+UGH=...meh...but the babies are cute anyways

-I bought the Hobbit and watched it, duh

-I'm attending a wedding.  I don't own any clothes for such an occasion.  Solution-shopping with Emily, I came home with TWO dresses she's that good.

-We went to like 20 stores finding nothing then for one last shot went to Dress Barn and found said dresses.  Oh, the irony

-I'm trying to be more feminine.  Ouch.

-I finally read Anne of Green Gables, don't ask

-Emily and I are surprising my mom for her birthday, but since she reads this blog, that's all the details I can give ;)

-I colored eggs, it's was actually quite fun

-In my dream last night, among other things, I ate Cinnamon Toast Crunch, you're welcome


  1. I'm in Isaiah too! I'm actually almost done... it's an awesome book. :)

    And yay for finally reading Anne of Green Gables. ;)

  2. How was Anne of Green Gables? :P

    1. :P only you Matt, why don't YOU read it and tell me what you think?

  3. Mom had a great time at her surprise:) Love you girls. Thanks for doing this blog Victoria.
