Thursday, December 27, 2012

Oh, For Grace

The holidays have come and gone now.  I sort of do an inward sigh of relief thingie.  It's all behind me and Honduras is ahead of me.  Actually I should be in Honduras today, but I'm not.  It's been unseasonably warm since fall and now all of a sudden, the weather has to go all freak storm on us and dump a heaping pile of snow and ice of New York.  So, no flight until Sunday, but the good news is we've also extended our trip to make up for the days we're losing, so we're even.

Now, to make up for lost time, my Christmas day was great.  My Christmas season was just as filled with stress and family drama as expected, but there were surprising blessings spread throughout the last couple weeks.  I've been getting back in touch with some old friends.  We've gotten together a few times, and though things have changed tremendously between us, it was still nice to chat about old times and our futures which all look so different.

The Hobbit was a huge perk to the month of December.  I probably don't have to say I love that movie, I've seen it 3 times in theaters, so far, don't judge me.

My uncle and cousins (who all happen to be XY chromosomes) came over last weekend and we went for a couple epic rounds of laser tag, then we came back to the house and played board games.  I did my fair share of winning, and losing.

Christmas day it snowed, we all slept in and opened presents.  I got escrema sticks, a phone much smarter then my previous one and a hat that looks like a panda. :D  Me and Emily played with the horses in the snow.  And tomorrow we plan on going for a trail ride through the woods.

That's what my life's been looking like, and through all the ups and downs, twists and turns, moments of love and conflict, I trust Jesus.  I've been singing this song nonstop recently and getting the words ingrained in my heart.

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word, just to rest upon His promise, just to know, 'Thus says the Lord'
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'ver! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust Him more!  

It's true, God has shown Himself trustworthy in my life, and though I have peace in Him, I could still always have more faith.  Every second I'm not totally surrendered to Jesus and His will is a moment when I'm not trusting Him, and so, oh for grace to trust Him more.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.  Psalm 28:7


1 comment:

  1. 3 times? Haha I haven't seen any movie in the theaters since The Help...but I'm going to see Les Miserables today
