Sunday, November 4, 2012

Quiet Epicness

I'm sitting here, wrapped in a big blanket, with my Agway hat on, drinking tea and listening to the epic song "Heart of Courage", an instrumental that makes me want to do a back flip swordfighting combo.

I was watching "Wives and Daughters" with the leaders and the ladies of the J127 crowd.  There were one too many family conflict scenes and a romantic plot that boggled my brain, so I left the living room.  I'm now in the kitchen with the only other J127er who isn't watching the movie.  We're just chilling, trying to find epic soundtracks and swopping swordfighting lingo.  I thought I'd give you guys an update that I'm still alive, that God is doing an amazing work here, and that I'm happy to be apart of it. 

This weeks devotionals were on pride and everyone has been wrestling their own issues with that one.  We played Disney Monopoly one night this week.  I came in 3rd, but I was the Peter Pan figurine.  I didn't know how competitive Monopoly could be, but get a bunch of tired, sarcastic, over achiever, first borns together and things get exciting.

There have also been a plethora of riddle quests and photo scavenger hunts this week.  Cue the over achiever first borns.  I tried many times to determine a winner but apparently there really was no "winner" because it was a team game.  This makes me sad.

It snowed a bit here in upstate Nit'sY after the whole hurricane scare.  We have pictures of the Asian and the Floridian dancing in sparse icy bits.  I hope for a real snow soon and I was outside today bundled in my winter coat, and it BETTER snow because it's certainly cold enough. 

Oh and speaking of cold and snow, we're heading to Minnesota soon.  Tuesday or Wednesday, I think, I'm never given a schedule even though I ask for one religiously everyday.  We'll be there for a several days doing a conference for moms. 

Anyways, the movie is over now and everyone came rushing to tell me who marries who in the end.  Quiet, epic time over.  But I'm glad I had it to fill you guys in on a few choice details of my week.     



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