Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Lord Wrought a Great Victory

You all probably know I love a good book with epic battles, great victories and incredible odds.  Check out 2 Samuel 23, it's basically an account of all the amazing things David's mighty men of valor did.  The details are minimal so it's maybe not as epic as say The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe motion picture, or at least, not at first.  But if you picture it in your's like "Whoa, that was so amazing!" 

Take for instance Josheb-Basshebeth, great name right?  Well, he killed 800 men in one encounter, with a  spear.  Yeah, pretty awesome. 

Or Shammah, a man who stood against a whole army by himself.  The Philistines wanted a piece of Israel's territory, a field a lentils, and everyone ran away afraid and left it for the taking.  Except one man, who stood in the midst of the field, facing an army.  He drew his sword.  The Bible says he "defended the ground and slew the Philistines and the Lord wrought a great victory".  No kidding.  How much faith do you have to have to face a host of warriors, stand firm, alone, and draw your sword to defend it?  A whole heck of a lot.  

And my personal favorite, Eleazar.  He was one of three, with David that defied a Philistine army after the people ran away.  Eleazar rose up and attacked the Philistines, but after a while he got tired.  His sword arm started to grow weary.  But he didn't give up, the Bible says "his hand clave unto the sword".  In other words, his hand was stuck to the sword hilt, he was gripping so hard.  The NIV says his hand "froze" to the sword.  Wow, that's got to take a lot of grit, grim determination, and faith.  The Lord wrought a great victory that day too.  

If only I had been there and seen it, it would have been waaaaay better than the Battle at Helms Deep which all of us LOTR fans love so.  If God can defeat an entire army through one man, how much more so can He give me the strength to get through my battles?  I want it said of my life "and the Lord wrought a great victory".  But before that can happen I need to have faith and draw my sword.  



  1. Do you believe in a literal interpretation of these passages or do you think that perhaps it was exaggerated over time to emphasize the principal of faith/obedience before it was recorded. One guy destroying an army sounds epic but unless it is a video game, I doubt it's validity.

  2. In response to Shane's question, I believe it happened just the way God's word says it did, as unbelievable as it may sound.
    Victoria, the love you have for God's word is contagious. You inspire me to want to dig deeper. I wish that, when I was young, I was taught to love and appreciate God's word the way you do.
    Keep digging... keep fighting... keep drawing your sword!
    Psalm 119:140
    Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
    Proverbs 30:5
    Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

  3. Yeah, Shane, I would definitely be in the literal translation camp. God can destroy an entire army, easy, doing it through one man would be just as easy for Him.

    Miss Tammy the verse in Proverbs 30 is one of my favorites. :)
