Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who I Am

       Last week I watched the Lion King.  It is one of those movies (along with Star Wars episode IV, Mulan, and A Wrinkle in Time) that I watch once a month because they are special to me.  I know certain people reading this are snickering right now (Stacia stop laughing!), but I don't really care, I like the Lion King, that is that.  I have a few reasons, but this is one of my big ones. 
       If you haven't watched the Lion King or haven't watched it since you were 7 you might not remember what I am talking about.  So brush up people! 
       My favorite part is when Simba, torn apart with confusion and guilt, yells up at the sky to his father.  Not only is the music in this scene EPIC, but the scene is charged with emotion that even I can appreciate.  I mean, Simba thinks he is responsible for his father's death (wouldn't that mess you up?), he feels abandoned, and after all these years of hiding his past has come back to haunt him.  Staring up at the stars he sees his father and his father reminds him who he is.  He is his father's son.  He needs to let go of the past and take hold of the present.  His father has never left him, he has always lived inside of Simba.  Hmmmm feeling a spiritual parallel here......
     This rings a familiar bell because I think we as Christians do the same thing.  When we feel alone and hurt, we look up to our Heavenly Father and accuse Him of never being there for us.  We loose sight of who we are.  We are God's beloved children and He has never left us.  He lives inside of us so we are never alone.  We need to let go of the past because there's nothing you can do to change it, all you can do is learn from it and move on.

Remember who you are:

PS Ok so that was a pretty sappy post, but you haven't seen anything yet, more sappiness to come......

PSS you better go watch the Lion King now, even if it is just to feel the emotion yourself and to confirm I am not a complete nutjob

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